Contemporary Bauhaus watches from BOTTA

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BAUHAUS: Easy and compact

Here you will find a complete and at the same time entertaining summary of the most important facts, people and products surrounding the legendary design school.

In addition, you will find out to what extent the successor institutions such as the HfG Ulm and the HfG Offenbach have further developed the teachings of the BAUHAUS in a contemporary manner.

In the interview with Mario Lenke and Klaus Botta you will discover a lot of familiar things but also a lot of surprising things.

Bauhaus watch and BOTTA watch

Genetic kinship instead of visual backdrop

Me-too Bauhaus watches, as they are increasingly found at present, fundamentally contradict the Bauhaus philosophy. On closer inspection, their relationship to the most important design school of the 20th century usually turns out to be a backdrop without substance.

A copy of the Bauhaus design of the time is directly opposed to the original intention - the development of something new and contemporary. At the Bauhaus, which is considered the first design school ever, very modern values were represented early on, the core of which is still relevant today. However, the demands on formal design today are completely different from those of 1919.

At BOTTA design, the philosophy developed at the Bauhaus was and is consistently pursued and further developed.

BOTTA watches - consistent further development of the Bauhaus style

BOTTA transfers the Bauhaus values to the present day.  Merely transferring the aesthetics of the early 20th century into the present day is easy to do, but not in the interest of the user. Such a backward-looking design would contradict the Bauhaus idea per se.

Moreover, originality and contemporary design are important characteristics of BOTTA watches. Just like at Bauhaus, great importance is attached to the concept of the products. The results are "Bauhaus" watches with extraordinary and logical display principles in a contemporary design, like the one-hand watch UNO. The typical BOTTA aesthetic focuses on what is really important. Ultra-modern materials make BOTTA watches into technically leading products.

With their design and technical innovation, "Bauhaus" watches from BOTTA are progressive quality products and the logical further development of the timeless, contemporary Bauhaus design into the 21st century.

Visit the UNO

Bauhaus watch: Klaus Botta, a "grandson of the Bauhaus"

Klaus Botta, owner of the design office BOTTA design and founder of the BOTTA brand, studied design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach am Main after studying technical physics. The HfG Offenbach is a direct successor institution of the Bauhaus. Already the common part of the name "Hochschule für Gestaltung" makes the direct reference clear. In awareness of this heritage, BOTTA - a grandson of the Bauhaus, so to speak - is constantly developing the Bauhaus philosophy further with every watch and giving it a contemporary form. Klaus Botta thus develops and designs "Bauhaus" watches in the best sense.


The spirit of the Bauhaus: originality and innovation

The Bauhaus worked successively at the locations Weimar, Dessau and most recently Berlin. Although it existed only from 1919 to 1934, its influences on our product world are still omnipresent today. During the period of the Weimar Republic, which was marked by great uncertainty, the Bauhaus was more than just a school of arts and crafts. Under the direction of the visionary Bauhaus founder and first director, Walter Gropius, important personalities of the artistic avant-garde of the time such as Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee conceived products and architecture for a more modern and humane society.;

The Bauhaus embodied the revolutionary design of a new era, which consciously set itself apart from the existing. The new design direction was free of ornamental decoration and focused on the essentials - just like the "Bauhaus" watches by Klaus Botta. The focus was always on people. New types of materials were used and their properties skilfully exploited for the design of progressive products. Many Bauhaus objects thus became precursors for new production processes and still have the status of classics today. They are true originals and innovators of their time.

Bauhaus watches combine contemporary design with advanced technology

Since the Bauhaus era, there has been immense progress in design and technology. This development should be taken into account when designing progressive watches. BOTTA watches reflect the spirit of the times. Whether one-hand watch or 24-hour watch, their special and particularly logical display concepts are more topical than ever in our short-cycle, complex world. They can contribute to slow down the pace of life and encourage a more human perception of time. This contemplation of time awareness is another ideal that BOTTA and Bauhaus share. BOTTA watches focus on the human being and the confident use of time. For this reason and because of their exemplary design, BOTTA watches have been awarded over 60 international design prizes.

The technology of BOTTA watches is also up-to-date. Many of these current "Bauhaus" watches have a titanium case and are therefore surprisingly light and robust at the same time. Furthermore, all watches feature sapphire crystals. These are treated with an anti-reflective coating on both sides and are particularly scratch-resistant. The movements come exclusively from the Swiss premium manufacturers ETA and Ronda. Thus, watches from BOTTA are technical products that have been optimized down to the last detail and have a pronounced longevity.

The BOTTA titanium case

Quality Made in Germany

The high standards of the watches are also reflected in their production. The term "Handmade in Germany" refers on the one hand to the production location in Germany, and on the other hand to the high level of craftsmanship with which each individual watch is manufactured. All watches are assembled, adjusted and tested exclusively in Germany by master watchmakers. This also guarantees the high quality of BOTTA watches.

Exceptional concepts, technical innovations and their characteristic aesthetics make BOTTA watches genuine Bauhaus watches of the 21st century.

Discover more about the BOTTA quality